A credit is gven dependent on how many class hours you are enrolled in. Find more information about 3D printing here - https://www.csupueblo.edu/linc/innovation-lab/3dprinting.html
Updated answer:
3D printing is the automated process of producing physical objects from a digital model, either obtained from an online repository such as Thingiverse or created using design tools like TinkerCAD, OnShape, or Blender.
Students are given a material budget of 500 grams per student, per semester, provided through the Student Technology Fee. The Innovation Lab is currently in the process of determining our printing policy for university staff, but as an interim measure, staff usage is tracked under the same 500 gram budget. If needed, customers may purchase and bring in additional spools of filament at an estimated cost of $20 per kilogram.
The standard materials we use cost about $20.00 per 1 kg spool, and a common 3D printer like our 4 Creality Ender-3 V2's costs about $200 new.